Fall–When Creativity Starts Flowing

If I had to name my favorite season, it would be spring. I love it when the world slowly comes alive after the cold of winter. It is fun to see small telltale signs of the approach of warmer weather—the little shoots coming up from the ground—crocus, daffodils, tulips. The small, firm buds of leaves become increasingly plump as winter wanes. It seems that the Lord reveals something new each day—like opening a gift every day.

But I also love fall. There is a sadness about it as the brilliantly colored leaves foretell their death and the cold, long months to come. The spectacular hues of fall are not to be missed—but that’s it –they are here for only a short period, and what follows—at least in Wisconsin—well, brrrr…

What I have come to love about fall is turning inward. Whereas spring compels us to go outside, explore, and dream about the warm summer days, fall reminds us that soon, the days will be dark, and the cold winds will blow. We will be inside for a long time—and there is a turning inward that comes with this season that I have learned to appreciate.

It’s the season when I start to feel creativity begin to flow. The shadowy characters that floated around in my head in the spring become more and more real. I start to think about their stories—their hopes, dreams, and difficulties.

It is strange—sap flows in the spring in all of nature. But all of nature’s loveliness compels me outward. Fall, with its faint hint of woodsmoke, the crunch of the leaves, and a chill in the air, reminds me that I will soon have a lot of dark evenings to fill.

What a perfect time to write—to slowly let the people in my head tell their stories as I sit and type them out.

I can’t wait.

How does fall affect you?

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